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   2013, 1st May

  The Naming of Our Farm ~

                   The naming of a farm is a reflection of the person who named it.  Lj

     Farms all have one thing in common, the raising and nurturing of living things. The farm itself  may be old, established, or a new beginning. Through words, the name mirrors the farmer’s goals and dreams, how they view the land and themselves. 

        " What is important to the farmer their strengths, weaknesses, and passions

      shall reflect off the land like the sun reflects off water." Lj


     It began with an evening walk, hand in hand with my husband.  The prior year many times I had been asked what we would call our farm.  A new beginning, still without power but not without a plan.  I never gave it a thought but the moment was about to arrive. It was on the south side of our house facing the mountain that I said to my husband, "Someday I want this to be all root crops, wouldn't that be great!  We would have fresh food to offer people all winter." Those may not have been my exact words, but pretty close.

     Root crops such as carrots, turnips, potatoes, parsnips and red beets are winter jewels!  We store these fresh crops for the long days of winter “in the earth”, in ... “the Makers Pantry”. Cellar, defines a place of storage. 

   "Root Cellar Farm" came off my lips like honey - it was visual to me.  I could see the food, root crops tucked beneath the soil ready to nourish people.  "Root Cellar Farm" conjured up images of cold winter nights and the aroma of warm pumpkin pie baking in the oven.  The Makers' Pantry  is an efficient method for keeping many crops over winter. 


     Wheat has been a successful crop grown on the south side. As of yet we have not planted a field of pumpkins or turnips in this area.  But each year we come closer to reaching that goal.  For now, the root crops grow on the north side of our home, and until the south side is ready... I will continue to envision green bushy leaves, rows and rows of them!

                                             More than a name, 

                                                 Root Cellar Farm, is the place we call home.

                                                                                                                             Laurie Jane

Wheat crop grown at an Off Grid Farm
Spring wheat grows well at Root Cellar Farm

"Expect the unexpected and count it as part of the adventure"   Laurie Jane

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